Sercan Arik - Deep Voice: Real-time Neural Text-to-Speech (2017)

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Created: June 1, 2017 / Updated: February 6, 2021 / Status: finished / 3 min read (~479 words)

  • Uses 5 building blocks/components in their pipeline
  • Training take more than a week on 8 TitanX Maxwell GPUs
  • Inference is more efficient if done on CPU than on GPU
  • Efficient CPU inference appears to require a lot of complex engineering involving multithreading, synchronization, minimizing nonlinearity FLOPs, avoiding cache trashing and thread contention via thread pinning, as well as using custom hardware-optimized routines for matrix multiplication and convolution

  • Five major building blocks:
    • A segmentation model for locating phoneme boundaries
    • A grapheme-to-phoneme conversion model
    • A phoneme duration prediction model
    • A fundamental frequency prediction model
    • An audio synthesis model

  • Our only features are phonemes with stress annotations, phoneme durations, and fundamental frequency (F0)
  • We train our entire pipeline on datasets that contains solely audio and unaligned textual transcriptions and generate relatively high quality speech
  • Deep Voice is completely standalone; training a new Deep Voice system does not require a pre-existing TTS system, and can be done from scratch using a dataset of short audio clips and corresponding textual transcripts
  • Deep Voice minimizes the use of hand-engineered features; it uses one-hot encoded characters for grapheme to phoneme conversion, one-hot encoded phonemes and stresses, phoneme durations in milliseconds, and normalized log fundamental frequency that can be computed from waveforms using any F0 estimation algorithm
  • Deep Voice can synthesize audio in fractions of a second, and offers a tunable trade-off between synthesis speed and audio quality

  • Model based on the encoder-decoder architecture by Yao & Zweig
  • However, we use a multi-layer bidirectional encoder with a gated recurrent unit (GRU) nonlinearity and an equally deep unidirectional GRU decoder
  • The initial state of every decoder layer is initialized to the final hidden state of the corresponding encoder forward layer
  • The architecture is trained with teacher forcing and decoding is performed using beam search

  • The connectionist temporal classification (CTC) loss function has been shown to focus on character alignments to learn a mapping between sound and text
  • We adapt the convolutional recurrent neural network architecture from a state-of-the-art speech recognition system for phoneme boundary detection
  • A network trained with CTC to generate sequences of phonemes will produce brief peaks for every output phoneme
    • Although this is sufficient to roughly align the phonemes to the audio, it is insufficient to detect precise phoneme boundaries
    • To overcome this, we train to predict sequences of phoneme pairs rather than single phonemes

  • We use a single architecture to jointly predict phoneme duration and time-dependent fundamental frequency
  • The architecture comprises two fully connected layers followed by two unidirectional recurrent layers with GRU cells and finally a fully connected output layer

  • Our audio synthesis model is a variant of WaveNet

  • Arik, Sercan O., et al. "Deep Voice: Real-time neural text-to-speech." arXiv preprint arXiv:1702.07825 (2017).