Matej Balog - DeepCoder: Learning to Write Programs (2016)

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Created: May 25, 2017 / Updated: February 6, 2021 / Status: finished / 4 min read (~753 words)

  • An autoencoder is used to predict whether a given set of program attributes (function calls, mathematical operations) are used to generate the given set of input-output examples
    • Train the network on a lot of functions where you generate input-output pairs which serve as input, and record what functions/operations were used

  • Empirically, we show that our approach leads to an order of magnitude speedup over the strong non-augmented baselines and a recurrent neural network approach, and that we are able to solve problems of difficulty comparable to the simplest problems on programming competition websites

  • We propose two main ideas:
    • Learn to induce programs; that is, use a corpus of program induction problems to learn strategies that generalize across problems
    • Integrate neural network architectures with search-based techniques rather than replace them
  • We argue that machine learning can provide significant value towards solving inductive programming synthesis (IPS) by re-casting the problem as a big data problem
  • We show that training a neural network on a large number of generated IPS problems to predict cues from the problem description can help a search-based technique
  • Three desirable properties
    • We transform a difficult search problem into a supervised learning problem
    • We soften the effect of failures of the neural network by searching over program space rather than relying on a single prediction
    • The neural network's predictions are used to guide existing program synthesis systems, allowing us to use and improve on the best solvers for the programming languages community

  • Given input-output examples, produce a program that has behavior consistent with the examples
  • Requires solving two problems:
    • The search problem: to find consistent programs we need to search over a suitable set of possible programs. We need to define the set (i.e., the program space) and search procedure
    • The ranking problem: if there are multiple programs consistent with the input-output examples, which one do we return?
  • There are many techniques for searching for programs consistent with input-output examples
    • Perhaps the simplest approach is to define a grammar and then enumerate all derivations of the grammar, checking each one for consistency with the examples
      • This approach can be combined with pruning based on types and other logical reasoning
  • A popular choice for ranking is to choose the shortest program consistent with input-output examples

  • The components of LIPS are
    • A DSL specification
    • A data-generation procedure
    • A machine-learning model that maps from input-output examples to program attributes
    • A search procedure that searches program space in an order guided by the model

  • We consider binary attributes indicating the presence or absence of high-level functions in the target program
  • The DSL is loosely inspired by query languages such as SQL or LINQ
  • A program in the DSL is a sequence of function calls, where the result of each call initializes a fresh variable that is either a singleton integer or an integer array
  • Note that the language only allows linear control flow (its functions do perform branching and looping internally)

  • To generate a dataset, we enumerate programs in the DSL, heuristically pruning away those with easily detectable issues such as a redundant variable whose value does not affect the program output, or, more generally, existence of a shorter equivalent program

  • Our aim is to learn to recognize patterns in the input-output examples, and to leverage them to predict the presence or absence of individual functions
  • Use of an autoencoder
    • Encoder: a differentiable mapping from a set of M input-output examples generated by a single program to a latent real-valued vector
    • Decoder: a differentiable mapping from the latent vector representing a set of M input-output examples to predictions of the ground truth program's attribute
  • The input/output types are representing by a one-hot-encoding
  • The inputs/outputs are padded to a maximum length L with a special NULL value
  • Each integer in the inputs and outputs is mapped to a learned embedding vector of size E = 20
  • For each input-output example separately, the input types embeddings, the inputs, the output type, and the output are concatenated into a single (fixed-length) vector
  • One of the central ideas of this work is to use a neural network to guide the search for a program consistent with a set of input-output examples instead of directly predicting the entire source code

  • Balog, Matej, et al. "DeepCoder: Learning to Write Programs." arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.01989 (2016).