Alex Graves - Automated Curriculum Learning for Neural Networks (2017)

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Created: June 23, 2017 / Updated: March 22, 2020 / Status: finished / 4 min read (~682 words)

  • Neural architecture search where picking the right action is seen as a multi-armed bandit

  • One reason for the slow adoption of curriculum learning is that its effectiveness is highly sensitive to the mode of progression through the tasks
  • One popular approach is to define a hand-chosen performance threshold for advancement to the next task, along with a fixed probability of returning to earlier tasks, to prevent forgetting
  • We propose to treat the decision about which task to study next as a stochastic policy, continuously adapted to optimize some notion of learning progress

  • We consider supervised or unsupervised learning problems where target sequences $\textbf{b}^1, \textbf{b}^2, \dots$ are conditionally modelled given their respective input sequences $\textbf{a}^1, \textbf{a}^2, \dots$
  • We suppose that the targets are drawn from a finite set $\mathcal{B}$
  • As is typical for neural networks, sequences may be grouped together in batches $(\textbf{b}^{1:B}, \textbf{a}^{1:B})$ to accelerate training
  • The conditional probability output by the model is

    $$ p(\textbf{b}^{1:B}, \textbf{a}^{1:B}) = \prod_{i,j} p(\textbf{b}_j^i\ |\ \textbf{b}_{1:j-1}^i, \textbf{a}_{1:j-1}^i)$$

  • We consider each batch as a single exemple $\textbf{x}$ from $\mathcal{X} := (\mathcal{A} \times \mathcal{B})^N$, and write $p(\textbf{x}) := p(\textbf{b}^{1:B}, \textbf{a}^{1:B})$ for its probability
  • A task is a distribution $D$ over sequences from $\mathcal{X}$
  • A curriculum is an ensemble of tasks $D_1, \dots, D_N$
  • A sample is an example drawn from one of the tasks of the curriculum
  • A syllabus is a time-varying sequence of distributions over tasks

  • We consider two related settings:
    • The multiple tasks setting, the goal is to perform as well as possible on all tasks in the ensemble
    • The target task setting, the goal is to minimize the loss on the final task, the other tasks acting as a series of stepping stones to the real problem

  • We view a curriculum containing $N$ tasks as an $N$-armed bandit, and a syllabus as an adaptive policy which seeks to maximize payoffs from this bandit
  • In the bandit setting, an agent selects a sequence of arms (actions) $a_1, \dots, a_T$ over $T$ rounds of play ($a_t \in \{1, \dots, N\}$)
  • After each round, the selected arm yields a payoff $r_t$; the payoffs for the other arms are not observed
  • The classical algorithm for adversarial bandits is Exp3, which uses multiplicative weight updates to guarantee low regret with respect to the best arm
  • On a round $t$, the agent selects an arm stochastically according to a policy $\pi_t$. This policy is defined by a set of weights $w_{t, i}$:

    $$ \pi_t^{\text{EXP3}}(i) := \frac{e^{w_{t,i}}}{\sum_{j=1}^N e^{w_{t,j}}}$$

  • Ideally we would like the policy to maximize the rate at which we minimize the loss, and the reward should reflect this rate
  • However, it usually is computationally undesirable or even impossible to measure the effect of a training sample on the target objective, and we therefore turn to surrogate measures of progress
  • Two types of measures:
    • Loss-driven, in the sense that they equate reward with a decrease in some loss
    • Complexity-driven, when they equate reward with an increase in model complexity

  • According to the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle, increase in the model complexity by a certain amount is only worthwhile if it compresses the data by a greater amount
    • We would therefore expect the complexity to increase most in response to the training examples from which the network is best able to generalize

  • We note that uniformly sampling from all tasks is a surprisingly strong benchmark. We speculate that this is because learning is dominated by gradients from the tasks on which the network is making fastest progress, inducing a kind of implicit curriculum, albeit with the inefficiency of unnecessary samples

  • Graves, Alex, et al. "Automated Curriculum Learning for Neural Networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.03003 (2017).