29 Dec 2018


History / Edit / PDF / EPUB / BIB / 1 min read (~140 words)

A table of probabilities is built
The ratio 1/drop chance is used to compute a total drop chance
A number is generated in the range 0-total drop chance
A table lookup is done to find the associated item
Item properties are randomly rolled
Different table lookup may be built depending on the difficulty setting as well as the current act
The rarity of an enemy pack may either change the random generator distribution or some other mean to modify the probability of higher quality items from dropping
The pseudo random number generator is initialized each game and does not depend on the current time (to avoid issue with reading some timer which may have the same value over many iterations or may be slow to read)
When an enemy is killed, we want to determine how many items will drop

29 Dec 2018

League of legends

History / Edit / PDF / EPUB / BIB / 1 min read (~66 words)

Per region servers
Login/authentication server
Lobby server
Store server

  • buy champion/runes
    Transfer player from lobby to game server
  • champion selection
  • spectators
    Per game server
  • Coordinates all 10 players within the game
  • controls game events dragon/baron/npc/player gold
  • compute damage
  • end game lobby
    Game client
  • Display animations
  • play game state according to server
29 Dec 2018


History / Edit / PDF / EPUB / BIB / 1 min read (~60 words)

Authentication/Login server
Per game server

  • compute damage simulation
  • in game chat
  • decide game victory
  • returns end game stats for ui (or done client side?)
    Game client
  • display game ui
  • play animations
  • send commands to game server
    Local backend
  • record game
  • compute game simulation
  • communicate game state to game client
29 Dec 2018


History / Edit / PDF / EPUB / BIB / 1 min read (~94 words)

An initial seed is computed and stored in the game save file
Based on this seed, the world is pseudo randomly computed, using a certain chunk/block/tile size (e.g., 32x32, 128x128)
The world map is only generated on-demand, that is, as far as the player can see
When a new chunk is discovered, its blocks are computed and persisted in the save file
If there are no active components in a chunk that is not visible, the game will obviously not render it, it will only simulate it (position, item, velocity, etc)

08 Dec 2017

Blog articles vs articles

History / Edit / PDF / EPUB / BIB / 3 min read (~508 words)

One thing I've been wondering about lately is when should one write blog articles (short articles ranging from 250 to 1000 words) or articles (1000+ words) which would be updated (in)frequently but not be as easily consumable.

The main reason I've preferred articles over blog articles is that it makes it possible to keep articles "alive", while once a blog article has been published, it will not evolve over time. By the time it is posted, it is effectively dead and has very little reason to change.

Being a programmer, I've always enjoyed seeing software project evolve over the years. They start small and grow big and complex over time. I like the satisfaction of seeing something grow step by step, and because of that, I've liked the idea of writing about specific topics and seeing these topics and articles change over time.

The problem with articles however is that it is difficult for visitors to consume. Some articles might grow large and complex. Furthermore, it is difficult for visitors to notice any changes from the last time they've come onto the blog.

Another thing is that articles allow the author to "refactor" what he has written, or rewrite/rephrase/reword, such that the article itself improves over time. With a blog article, it is still possible to do so, but the expectation is that a visitor that has already seen the blog article will not re-read it. And here's the important difference between the two: I expect blog articles to be consumed once, but articles to be consumed multiple times. This expectation is likely wrong. The only person that is likely to consume the same article over and over is its author. Visitors may come to the blog many times, but they are unlikely to expect articles to change over time. An extreme example of this idea would be Wikipedia. People will consult the page of the topic they are interested in, but once they've read it, they aren't likely to come back to it again. The only reason they might do so is if they contribute to it.

What this means is that it is still acceptable to improve both blog articles and articles. The difference lies in how we expect our audience to consume each ones. Articles are likely to be seen as references while blog posts are likely to be perceived as an ephemeral observation. One should expect both to be consumed at best once by a visitor, and that the visitor will not come again to see if it has changed.

Thus, in the end, what matters is what we want to communicate with our audience. Do I want to tell you about a thought (a blog article) or do I want to tell you about some information that is likely to evolve over time (an article).

In the case of my machine learning and artificial general intelligence research, what makes sense is to communicate discoveries or shifts in approaches through blog articles while using articles as a location for thoughts to be worked on.